Issue - meetings

Co-optee to Children and Young People PPB

Meeting: 22/07/2009 - Council (Item 18)

18 The relationship between the Children and Young People Policy and Performance Board and the Dioceses of Chester and Liverpool (Minute No. EXB3 refers) pdf icon PDF 27 KB

The Executive Board considered the attached report.




(1) Full Council be requested to agree the appointment of two Dioceses representatives for Chester and Liverpool, as voting co-optees on the Policy and Performance Board for a period of four years, commencing from the date approval is given. 


            The Executive Board considered a report of the Strategic Director – Children and Young People which outlined the relationship between the Children and Young People Policy and Performance Board and the Dioceses of Chester and Liverpool.


            It was reported that under a Direction issued by the Secretary of State, authorities must appoint diocesan representatives to Scrutiny Committees under s499 Education Act 1996 and DfEE Circular 19/99 all as amended.  It was noted that these representatives would have voting rights in relation to any decision relating to schools maintained by the LA, pupils who attend schools maintained by the LA or were educated by the LA in some way but not the other business of the Committee. It was reported that this was to enable denominations to have a direct input to policies on education provision for pupils of school age.


            RESOLVED: That the appointment of two Dioceses representatives for Chester and Liverpool, as voting co-optees on the Policy and Performance Board for a period of four years, commencing from the date approval is given.

Meeting: 04/06/2009 - Executive Board (Item 3)

3 Co-optee to Children and Young People PPB pdf icon PDF 27 KB


            The Board received a report from the Strategic Director, Children and Young People requesting them to agree that a representative from the Dioceses of Chester and Liverpool be appointed to the Children and Young People’s Policy and Performance Board.


            Under a Direction issued by the Secretary of State, authorities must appoint diocesan representatives to Scrutiny Committees under s499 Education Act 1996 and DfEE Circular 19/99 all as amended.  These representatives would have voting rights in relation to any decision relating to schools maintained by the LA, pupils who attend schools maintained by the LA or are educated by the LA in some way but not the other business of the Committee.  This was to enable denominations to have a direct input to policies on education provision for pupils of school age.


            The Dioceses of Chester and Liverpool were therefore entitled to nominate representatives to sit on the Children and Young People’s Policy and Performance Board.  At present these positions were vacant, however one name had been submitted, Joyce Dippnall.  It was expected that another name would follow for the same consideration by the Board.


            RESOLVED:  That the Executive Board and Full Council be requested to agree the appointment of two Diocese representatives for Chester and Liverpool, as voting co-optees on the Children and Young People’s Policy and Performance Board for a period of four years, commencing from the date approval is given.