Issue - meetings

Children in care pledge

Meeting: 16/07/2009 - Executive Board (Item 20)

20 Children in Care Pledge - KEY DECISION pdf icon PDF 30 KB

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The Board received a report of the Strategic Director, Children and Young People which sought approval for a proposed Pledge to Children in Care in Halton.


            It was reported that the Government’s Green Paper “Care Matters: Transforming the Lives of Young People in Care” and the subsequent White Paper “Care Matters: Time for Change” identified steps that needed to be taken to improve outcomes for children and young people in Care.      


The report outlined the key aims and roles of Corporate parenting including the expectations that Government announced.


The Board was advised that Halton had established its Children in Care Council in December 2007.  Since that time the functioning of the Council had developed, its membership had grown, and there had been some clear outcomes achieved for children.


It was reported that the consultations that had taken place so far included the Pledge itself, Personal Education Plans and Children in Care Reviews.  A newsletter and website would also be launched in the near future, so that all Children in Care, and not just those who attend the meetings, were aware of developments and proposals.


            Work on the Pledge had commenced in October 2008 and concluded with the young people accepting the final version at their meeting in May 2009 which was appended to the report for information.


The Board was further advised that the Pledge was a document which should ensure that Children in Care and Care Leavers are aware of the key opportunities that are offered to them locally and that they are consulted and involved in the development of the Pledge.


            It was reported that the Pledge as set out in Appendix 1 to the report was the result of the consultation with the Children in Care Council and usesd their own artwork. It also listed the 10 things that Children in Care and Care Leavers said were key to improving outcomes for them. The pledge was also supported by the statements made by our Children in Care and Care Leavers.


            Reason For the Decision


            The Children and Young Persons Act, which received royal assent in November 2008, strengthened the role of the Corporate parent. The Government now requires every local area to set out its ‘Pledge’ to Children in Care and Care Leavers covering the services and support that they should expect to receive.


            Alternative Options Considered and Rejected


            There is no prescribed format for a Pledge to Children in Care and Care Leavers, the ‘Pledge’ (Appendix 1), was designed by the Children in Care Council and therefore it is the one they would like the Executive Board to endorse


            Implementation Date




            RESOLVED: That


(1)               the Pledge to Children in Care be endorsed;


(2)               the action to promote the Pledge in order to raise awareness in the Council, Children’s Trust and with other partners be endorsed; and


(3)               Young people report annually on the progress of the Pledge to Children in Care to the Executive Board.