Issue - meetings

Capital Programme for CYP for 2010/11

Meeting: 10/02/2010 - Council (Item 76)

76 Capital Programme for Children and Young People Directorate 2010-11 - KEY DECISION (Minute EXB 80 refers) pdf icon PDF 62 KB

The Executive Board considered the attached report:-


RECOMMENDED: That the Council


(1)                     note the capital funding available for 2010/11, including those programmes where funding had been carried forward;


(2)                     approves the Capital Programme  for 2010/11; and


(3)                     note the Revenue implications associated with the Big Lottery Fund.



Additional documents:


            The Executive Board received a report of the Strategic Director, Children and Young People, providing a summary of the Capital Programme 2010/11 for the Children and Young People Directorate.


The total capital funding of £8,680,102, and how it was made up, was outlined within the report for Members’ information, together with details of the works to be funded. In addition, it was noted that the Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF) had approved a further advance of £500,000 from 2010/11 schools capital grant funding as an initiative to stimulate the economy. An overview of the Schools Capital Programme for 2010/11 was included for Members’ consideration.


 Halton had obtained funding from the Big Lottery Fund to deliver MyPlace on behalf of the DCSF. This was a discrete project unrelated to general Lottery funding. Funding had been allocated by DCSF to support personalisation, closing the attainment gap and the move towards universal access to technology. In addition, £49,661 had been allocated to enhance the existing children’s centre at Warrington Road, in order to integrate PCT services with children’s centre services.


Other funding allocations were detailed in the report.


            The Mayor, Councillor Fraser proposed and Councillor McDermott seconded the proposal and it was RESOLVED: That


(1)               the capital funding available for 2010/11, including those programmes where funding had been carried forward, be noted;


(2)               the Capital Programme  for 2010/11 be approved; and


(3)               the Revenue implications associated with the Big Lottery Fund be noted.


Meeting: 28/01/2010 - Executive Board (Item 80)

80 Capital Programme for Children and Young People Directorate 2010-11 - KEY DECISION pdf icon PDF 62 KB

Additional documents:


            The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Children and Young People, providing a summary of the Capital Programme 2010/11 for the Children and Young People Directorate.


The total capital funding of £8,680,102, and how it was made up, was outlined within the report for Members’ information, together with details of the works to be funded. In addition, it was noted that the Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF) had approved a further advance of £500,000 from 2010/11 schools capital grant funding as an initiative to stimulate the economy. An overview of the Schools Capital Programme for 2010/11 was included for Members’ consideration.


 Halton had obtained funding from the Big Lottery Fund to deliver MyPlace on behalf of the DCSF. This was a discrete project unrelated to general Lottery funding. Funding had been allocated by DCSF to support personalisation, closing the attainment gap and the move towards universal access to technology. In addition, £49,661 had been allocated to enhance the existing children’s centre at Warrington Road, in order to integrate PCT services with children’s centre services.


Details of other funding allocations included in the report were:


·        £197,999 Access Initiative Funding to address access issues within school curriculum and buildings

·        £545,573 for further Early Years Childcare Capital to improve the quality of the environment in various early years and childcare settings

·        £437,885 for Playbuilder Capital to provide new and the remodelling of existing playgrounds and equipment

·        £116,880 to develop and deliver the core offer of Extended Schools services at Palace Fields Primary School


Reason(s) for Decision


To deliver and implement the capital programmes.


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected


Not applicable.


Implementation Date


Capital Programmes to be implemented with effect from 1 April 2010.




(1)                     the capital funding available for 2010/11, including those programmes where funding had been carried forward, be noted;


(2)               Council be recommended to approve the Capital Programme  for 2010/11; and


(3)               the Revenue implications associated with the Big Lottery Fund be noted.