Issue - meetings

Hate Crime Strategy

Meeting: 30/06/2011 - Executive Board (Item 16)

16 Hate Crime Reduction Strategy and Action Plan - KEY DECISION pdf icon PDF 21 KB

Additional documents:


            The Board received a report of the Strategic Director, Communities which informed Members of the Hate Crime Reduction Strategy and Action Plan for Halton.


            The Board was advised that hate crime was a serious issue, affecting the quality of life for people and communities. It can take various forms of either physical or verbal abuse and even the threat of attack. Due to the low number of reported incidents in Halton, and the knowledge that there is a smaller diverse community, work had progressed to include hate crime matters with wider safeguarding issues. This included training of front line service providers and the use of existing communication methods to raise awareness of reporting centres.


            The Board noted that the strategy and action plan was for the wider Strategic Partnership to progress, as the Council was unable to do so alone. The strategy had been shared with a variety of Partners, groups and networks, as detailed in the report.


Reason(s) For Decision


To address hate crime issues within the Borough and increase the joint working across Partners that will make Halton a stronger and more resilient place to live.


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected


Current arrangements could continue however as identified in this report the Council cannot progress and develop this work without the input from the Strategic Partnership.


Implementation Date


The detailed action plan had several different implementation dates depending on which action was being undertaken.  Some activity had already started with the latest completion date being December 2012, depending on Partners’ involvement.


            RESOLVED: That the draft Hate Crime Reduction Strategy and Action Plan as detailed in the report be endorsed.