The Executive Board considered the attached report:-
note the results
of consultation (Appendix 1) undertaken between May and June 2011 on the Waste
DPD Preferred Options 2 (New Sites) Report;
approve the Joint
Waste DPD Publication Document (Appendix 2) and a final six-week public
consultation commencing at the end of 2011;
3) approve the Submission
of the Waste DPD to the Secretary of State in early 2012 and that this approval
be subject to the detailed comment in paragraph 3.19;
4) approve the spatial
distribution of one sub-regional site per district (Table 2 and paragraph
4.11); and
5) give delegated authority to
the Operational Director, Policy, Planning and Transportation, in consultation
with the Portfolio Holder, Physical Environment, to make any minor drafting
amendments to the Waste DPD.
Additional documents:
The Executive Board had considered a report of the Strategic Director, Policy and Resources, on the Merseyside and Halton Joint Waste Development Plan Document – Publication and Submission Stages.
The 6 week consultation period on the Preferred Options 2 (New Sites) Consultation ended on 20 June 2011. The scope of the consultation was limited to only four new sites proposed for allocation for waste management use. Detailed feedback was contained in Appendix 1 which highlighted key issues raised against each of the sites.
As a result of the consultation, all four sites would be included within the publication of the Waste DPD, alongside those moving forward from Preferred Options 1 stage. This would give a total of six sub-regional sites, 13 local sites proposed as allocations, and 2 inert landfill sites.
The Publication Stage of the Waste DPD would be the final 6-week consultation stage whereby the consultees could submit comments based on “soundness matters”, which related to technical content or procedural matters. Publication Consultation was planned to start in November 2011, followed by submission of the Waste DPD to the Secretary of State for formal examination. Members were advised that any comments on the proposals should be submitted in writing during the Publication Consultation stage.
the results of
consultation (Appendix 1) undertaken between May and June 2011 on the Waste DPD
Preferred Options 2 (New Sites) Report be noted;
the Joint Waste
DPD Publication Document (Appendix 2) and a final six-week public consultation
commencing at the end of 2011, be
3) the Submission of the
Waste DPD to the Secretary of State in early 2012 and that this approval be
subject to the detailed comment in paragraph 3.19, be approved;
4) the spatial
distribution of one sub-regional site per district (Table 2 and paragraph 4.11)
be approved; and
5) delegated authority be
given to the Operational Director, Policy, Planning and Transportation, in
consultation with the Portfolio Holder, Physical Environment, to make any minor
drafting amendments to the Waste DPD.
Additional documents:
The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Policy and Resources, on the Merseyside and Halton Joint Waste Development Plan - Publication and Submission Stages document (Waste DPD).
The Board was reminded that the 6 week consultation period on the Preferred Options 2 (New Sites) Consultation ended on 20 June 2011. The scope of the consultation was limited to only four new sites proposed for allocation for waste management use. Detailed feedback was contained in Appendix 1 which highlighted key issues raised against each of the sites.
As a result of the consultation, all four sites would be included within the publication of the Waste DPD, alongside those moving forward from Preferred Options 1 stage. This would give a total of six sub-regional sites, 13 local sites proposed as allocations, and 2 inert landfill sites.
The Board was advised that the Publication Stage of the Waste DPD would be the final 6-week consultation stage whereby the consultees could submit comments based on “soundness matters”, which related to technical content or procedural matters. Publication Consultation was planned to start in November 2011, followed by submission of the Waste DPD to the Secretary of State for formal examination.
Reason(s) for Decision
Government policy
(PPS10) required that waste must be dealt with in a sustainable way. The
Council was producing a Joint Waste Development Plan Document (DPD) for the Merseyside
sub-region. Drafting of the Plan had reached the stage where the policy
framework contained in the Waste DPD needed to be subject to public scrutiny.
Alternative Options Considered and Rejected
The Waste DPD had been prepared through a multi-stage
process. Four previous public
consultation stages had been completed and these were detailed in section 5.7.
These reports
document the evolution of the Plan and the options for policies and sites that
had been considered and rejected. The results of the public consultation,
engagement with stakeholders, industry and the Local Authorities and, detailed
technical assessments had all been used to inform the preparation of this
Report, forming a fifth and final public consultation stage. The Preferred
Options stage reports set out the alternative options considered.
Implementation Date
The Joint Merseyside Waste DPD was scheduled to be adopted by all six partner Districts in November 2012.
RESOLVED: That Council be recommended to
note the results
of consultation (Appendix 1) undertaken between May and June 2011 on the Waste
DPD Preferred Options 2 (New Sites) Report;
approve the Joint
Waste DPD Publication Document (Appendix 2) and a final six-week public consultation
commencing at the end of 2011;
3) approve the Submission
of the Waste DPD to the Secretary of State in early 2012 and that this approval
be subject to the detailed comment in paragraph 3.19;
4) approve the spatial
distribution of one sub-regional site per district (Table 2 and paragraph
4.11); and
5) give delegated authority to the Operational Director, Policy, Planning and Transportation, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder, Physical Environment, to make any minor drafting amendments to the Waste ... view the full minutes text for item 47