Issue - meetings

Capital Programme

Meeting: 18/04/2012 - Council (Item 12b)

12b Capital Programme- School's Capital Grant Allocation - KEY DECISION (Minute EXB 106 refers) pdf icon PDF 36 KB

Executive Board considered the attached report:-




1)            the capital funding available for 2012/13 be noted;


2)         the proposals to be funded from Capital Maintenance be agreed and the position in respect of Basic Need be noted;


3)         Council  approve the Capital Programme 2012/13; and


4)         a further report be submitted to Executive Board to detail how the Basic Need capital funding would be spent in 2012/13.


Additional documents:

Meeting: 01/03/2012 - Executive Board (Item 106)

106 Capital Programme- Schools Capital Grant Allocation - KEY DECISION pdf icon PDF 36 KB

Additional documents:


            The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Children and Enterprise, on the Capital Programme 2012/13.


The Board was advised that in December 2011, the Department for Education announced the schools capital grant allocations for 2012/13, for each area of capital funding. The report detailed the works proposed for funding from the Capital Maintenance and Revenue Allocation (CERA).


The Capital Programme 2012-13 and the Capital Repairs Programme papers were appended at Appendix 1 and 2 respectively.


            The Board noted that Basic Need capital funding was allocated to the relative need for new places, based on forecast data provided by local authorities, and was provided to local authorities to provide school places where needed in their area, in all categories of taxpayer-funded schools.


Capital Maintenance funding was allocated to ensure school buildings were properly maintained.  The Local Authority schools element was allocated to support the needs of the schools and for Sure Start Children’s Centres and the Voluntary Aided Schools element was allocated to Chester Diocese, Shrewsbury Diocese and Liverpool Archdiocese to fund condition and suitability projects at Voluntary Aided Schools.  Devolved Formula Capital would be allocated directly to schools for their own use to address building and ICT needs. 


It was noted that a further detailed report would be submitted to the Board later in the year containing proposals for the use of the Basic Need Capital allocation for 2012-13.


Reason For Decision


To deliver and implement the capital programmes.


Alternative Options Considered And Rejected


Not applicable.


Implementation Date


Capital Programmes to be implemented with effect from 1 April 2012.


      RESOLVED: That


1)         the capital funding available for 2012/13 be noted;


2)         the proposals to be funded from Capital Maintenance be agreed and the position in respect of Basic Need be noted;


3)         Full Council be recommended to approve the Capital Programme 2012/13; and


4)         a further report be submitted to Executive Board to detail how the Basic Need capital funding would be spent in 2012/13.