17 Sickness Absence 2011/2012 PDF 19 KB
The Board received a report from the Strategic Director – Policy and Resources, on sickness absence for 2011-12.
The report provided information on attendance management and intervention activities that were undertaken in 2011-12 and how these had assisted managers in effectively managing employee absence. It also provided information on the outcome of these activities on sickness levels.
It was reported that further interventions were planned for 2012-13. These included a programme of bite sized training for managers regarding the changes to the Capability Procedure relating to sickness absence; continued refresher training for existing managers and training for new managers in the Managing Attendance Policy; expansion of HR surgeries to cover other staff related issues and providing HR surgeries in schools.
The Board was advised that sickness absence had continued to reduce year on year. Working days lost due to sickness absence per employee in 2011-12 was 9.03, compared to 9.68 days per employee for the same period in 2010-11. The Board was also advised that the Council continued to work closely with trade unions and carried out regular stress risk assessments.
RESOLVED: That the content of the report and comments made be noted.