Issue - meetings

Halton Strategic Partnership Topic Group Review

Meeting: 04/09/2012 - Corporate Policy and Performance Board (Item 14)

14 Halton Strategic Partnership Topic Group Review pdf icon PDF 50 KB

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The Board was presented with a copy of the Topic Group Review on the Halton Strategic Partnership (HSP) which had been recently undertaken and was chaired by Councillor Joe Roberts.


Councillor Roberts reported that as part of its topic programme, the Corporate Policy and Performance Board took a decision to examine the role and function of the HSP to identify where opportunities existed for future development and closer collaboration with the Council.  A group of Elected Members were selected and a programme of meetings was arranged around the topic. 


Once the Terms of Reference were established, the meetings went on to explore the history and role of the Partnership, its purpose, the membership, its objectives and activities.  Furthermore, Members also put forward proposals for how the relationship between the PPBs and the HSP could be strengthened, how agendas could be more closely interrelated and how ongoing activities could be effectively scrutinised.  The current membership list of the HSP was attached at Appendix 1 of the report and a structure diagram was attached at Appendix 2.


It was highlighted that from now on an annual report would be sent to the Corporate PPB as well as the HSP minutes, which were already a standing item.  Members were pleased with the outcomes achieved and work undertaken by the topic group and agreed that the report could be submitted to the Council’s Executive Board for approval.  Members conveyed their thanks to Councillor Roberts and the other Members involved for their input.





1.    the report be received; and


2.    that the report be submitted to the Executive Board for approval.