Issue - meetings

Enterprise Officers, Halton People into Jobs

Meeting: 17/09/2012 - Employment, Learning and Skills, and Community Policy and Performance Board (Item 15)

15 Enterprise Officers, Halton People into Jobs - Presentation pdf icon PDF 27 KB


            The Board received a presentation from Eddie Dourley, Enterprise and Employment Officer, which provided details of Enterprising Halton Service and the wider provision available to local residents that were considering starting up their own businesses or becoming self-employed.


            The presentation set out the following:


·         Halton People Into Jobs (HPIJ) had successfully delivered the Enterprising Halton programme since 2007;

·         details of one to one business start up advice, including Kick Start Course and Funding;

·         between 1st April 2011 – 31st March 2012 there had been 354 business start up enquiries, 15 Kick Start courses delivered and 95 new business start ups supported;

·         case studies of business start ups in Halton and other examples of new businesses that had opened in Widnes Market;

·         barriers individuals were faced with when starting their own businesses and support provided to them; and

·         aims, objectives and future focus for 2012-13.


Arising from the presentation Members discussed survival rates of new start ups and support provided for young people and requested data in comparison to last year. 


            The Chairman thanked Eddie Dourley for an informative presentation.


            RESOLVED: That the presentation and comments made be noted.