Issue - meetings

Peelhouse Lane Site

Meeting: 28/03/2013 - Executive Board (Item 206)

206 Peelhouse Lane Site - key decision pdf icon PDF 423 KB


          The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Children and Enterprise, on the future use of the Peelhouse Lane site.


          The Board was reminded that in June 2012, it had approved the development of the Peelhouse Lane site on a ‘whole site’ approach, so that the interrelationship between respective opportunities was promoted. The report now outlined the recommended way forward along with funding  proposals and the timeline of actions required.


          It was proposed that the Peelhouse Lane site could be used to provide a 50-year capacity cemetery with the remainder of the land being set aside for housing. The report provided details of the next steps in terms of the former Fairfield High School building, playing fields, the Infants and Junior Schools  and the key timeline.


Reason(s) for Decision


To allow the use of the Council’s land to generate capital receipts needed to bring forward the cemetery and Fairfield Infants and Juniors site.


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected


Alternative  solutions would be to look at other uses for the land.  However, a 50 year capacity cemetery was required and there were few other location options.  In addition, the housing solution would provide the funds to undertake the work and any surplus could be used to contribute to the Fairfield Infant and Fairfield Junior schools project. To not use the surplus land for housing would require additional funds to be made available to undertake the works needed at the cemetery and nothing would be left for the Schools.


Implementation Date


The public consultation would need to be undertaken by the Spring of 2013.


          RESOLVED: That


1)    the progress on the disposal of the former Fairfield High School  land (attached at Appendix A) as a school asset be noted.


2)    the timescales and key dates for the recommended approach to ensure that land is available for cemetery use within the required time be noted;


3)    such consultation be undertaken as is necessary to deliver the new cemetery and undertake applications to Sports England and the Planning Authority;


4)    the vacant school buildings be promptly demolished upon the immediate vacation of the site by Wade Deacon, funded from eventual capital receipts;


5)    11.35 acres of land fronting Peelhouse Lane be placed in the open market for sale as residential building land;


6)    the land delineated in red in Appendix A be appropriated from education purposes to be held for planning purposes in terms of sections 232 and 237 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990; and


7)    the Operational Director – Economy, Enterprise and Property in consultation with the Portfolio holder, be authorised to finalise the indicative boundary between residential and cemetery, shown in blue on Appendix A, with the other recommendations in the report being adjusted accordingly.  The final line will remain consistent with the cemetery having a 50 year capacity.