Issue - meetings

International Festival of Business 2014

Meeting: 25/03/2013 - Employment, Learning and Skills, and Community Policy and Performance Board (Item 48)

48 International Festival of Business 2014 pdf icon PDF 27 KB

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            The Board considered a report which advised on the proposals for the development of an International Festival of Business in the Liverpool City Region and to advise Members of the opportunities that the event could bring to the Borough. The Festival would take place in June and July 2014 and would provide a global forum where industries in key sectors such as advanced manufacturing, low carbon, and life sciences, professional and financial services can come together to trade ideas, products and contacts.


The event had been described as a Mini Shanghai Expo and would bring together world and UK cities for 61 days of themed events, exhibitions and showcases. It was anticipated that the Festival would attract 250,000 visitors from across the globe and bring £100 million worth of investment. The Festival would be themed around three core business sectors: low carbon, global communications and knowledge economy.


            It was noted that a draft version of the calendar of events would be available late spring/early September 2013 and first key sponsors and speakers announced in early March 2013. In addition three launch events were planned on 25th February, 18th March and 27th June 2013.


            Within Halton, as the concentration of both business and facilities fell broadly within the sector designated the knowledge economy, it was proposed that two/three themed events could be planned. In consultation with the Chamber of Commerce, discussions had commenced with the Heath Business Park and Daresbury Science and Innovation Campus to hold events.


            It was therefore proposed that a sum not exceeding £5,000 be allocated from existing budgets to support the delivery of events in Halton.


            Members raised concerns how Halton’s profile would be represented and queried whether £5,000 would be sufficient to support the delivery of events in Halton. It was further noted that the profile of Norton Priory could be raised from a tourism point of view.


            RESOLVED: That


1)    Halton’s participation in The International Festival of Business 2014 be supported; and


2)    the comments made be noted.