24 Library Strategy 2013-16 - KEY DECISION (Minute EXB 31 refers) PDF 34 KB
Executive Board considered the attached report:-
Council be
recommended to approve the
Library Strategy 2013/16; and
2) any further editorial changes/corrections required following the close of consultation be delegated to the Strategic Director, Communities, in conjunction with the Portfolio Holder for Neighbourhood, Leisure and Sport.
Additional documents:
Executive Board had considered a report of the Strategic Director, Communities, on the Library Strategy 2013/16.
1) the Library Strategy 2013/16 be approved; and
2) any further editorial changes/corrections required following the close of consultation be delegated to the Strategic Director, Communities, in conjunction with the Portfolio Holder for Neighbourhood, Leisure and Sport.
31 Library Strategy 2013-16 - KEY DECISION PDF 34 KB
Additional documents:
The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Communities, on
the Library Strategy for 2013/16.
The Board was advised that the Public Libraries and Museums Act 1964, required that local authorities provided “a
comprehensive and efficient library service”. Although the national library
standards did provide a framework at one time, local authorities were now able
to determine the level and priorities of their own library service.
The Library Strategy, attached at Appendix 1, defined the priorities for
the service in Halton over the next three years. Since 2009, a number of
reports and studies commissioned by Government departments and other
organisations considered what libraries should offer to their communities. It
was noted that the Strategy took account of all previous published reports, but
focused on two current documents which would influence the development of the
service in the future. These were reported as Universal Offers and Envisioning
the Library of the Future, as detailed in the report.
Consultation on the key elements of the Strategy would close on 30 June
2013.The Libraries Vision would be supported by five overarching strategic
objectives, each with specific commitments and goals, with the priorities under
each objective to be identified in the annual action plan.
Reason(s) for
To outline the
priorities for the library service in Halton over the next three years, to
ensure the statutory responsibility is fulfilled whilst contributing to the
strategic priorities of the Council and delivering the service within available
Options Considered and Rejected
Not applicable.
June 2013.
1) Council be recommended to approve the Library Strategy 2013/16;
2) any further editorial changes/corrections required following the close of consultation be delegated to the Strategic Director, Communities, in conjunction with the Portfolio Holder for Neighbourhood, Leisure and Sport.