Issue - meetings

Outcome of Section 77 Consultation - Change of use of Fairfield High School Playing Field

Meeting: 05/09/2013 - Executive Board (Item 55)

55 Outcome of Section 77 Consultation - Change of use of Fairfield High School Playing Field - KEY DECISION pdf icon PDF 38 KB

Additional documents:


The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Children and Enterprise, which provided a summary of the outcome of the Section 77 consultation on the proposal to change the use of Fairfield High School Playing Field.


The Board was reminded that at its meeting on 28 March 2013, it had considered a report on the Peel House Lane site and recommended its future use for cemetery and housing development. Permission was required to change the use of the playing fields through the submission of a Section 77 application to the Secretary of State. However, a six week public consultation had to be undertaken prior to this submission.


The Board was advised that, in line with the Section 77 Guidance, a letter outlining the proposed change of use was sent to Wade Deacon and Fairfield Infant and Junior Schools, authorised users of the field and houses in the vicinity. In addition, a notice was placed in the local newspaper and on the Council’s web site and displayed in other public places. Four responses were received during the consultation period and details of these were attached at Appendix C. The completed Section 77 Notice was attached at Appendix D awaiting submission to the Secretary of State.


Reason(s) for Decision


To allow use of the Council’s land to generate capital receipts needed to bring forward the Cemetery and Fairfield Infants and Juniors site.


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected


Alternative solutions would be to look at other uses for the land. However, a 50 year capacity cemetery was required and there were few other location options. In addition, the housing solution would provide the funds to undertake the work and any surplus could be used to contribute to the Fairfield Infant and Junior Schools project. To not use the surplus land for housing would require additional funds to be made available to undertake the works needed at the cemetery and nothing would be left for the Schools.


Implementation Date


The Section 77 application would be sent to the Secretary of State on 6 September 2013.


RESOLVED: That the Board


1)    note the response to the consultation; and


2)      gives approval to submit a Section 77 application to change the use of Fairfield High School Playing Field (Peelhouse Lane) to cemetery and residential development.