Issue - meetings

Halton Alcohol Harm Reduction Strategy

Meeting: 20/11/2014 - Executive Board (Item 93)

93 Halton Alcohol Strategy: Reducing alcohol-related harm across the life course, 2014-2019 - KEY DECISION pdf icon PDF 47 KB

Additional documents:


The Board considered a report of the Director of Public Health, which presented the final draft of the Halton Alcohol Strategy – Reducing alcohol –related harm across the life course, 2014-19 (the Strategy).


          The Board was advised that Halton experienced an unacceptable level of alcohol related harm with significant impact on local individuals, families and communities. The Strategy, attached at Appendix A, set out actions aimed at rebalancing the relationship Halton had with alcohol. The Strategy built upon the effective work undertaken by local partners, and it was noted that it had been written in collaboration with all partners agreeing the vision, outcomes, objectives and actions. In addition, the detailed action plan, attached at Appendix B, supported the actions, responsible leads, timescales and outcomes that would be achieved.


          The Halton Alcohol Harm Reduction Strategy had been developed by a multi-agency group – as detailed in the report - with representation from both Adult and Children’s Services at the Council, the Police, service providers, the voluntary and community sectors and other key partners. A formal public consultation, to enable local people to provide feedback and an insight into the final version would be undertaken. The Action Plan and the Strategy would be kept under regular review to ensure that both documents remained relevant and met the needs of local people.


Reason(s) for Decision


The Alcohol Harm Reduction Strategy was a statutory document


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected


No alternative options were considered.


Implementation Date


With immediate effect following approval by Executive Board.




1)    the contents of the report be noted; and


2)      the Board support the strategy outcomes, objectives and actions.