Issue - meetings

Invest to save proposal - Street Lighting

Meeting: 15/04/2015 - Council (Item 78)

78 Invest to save proposal - Street Lighting (Minute EXB 158 refers) pdf icon PDF 63 KB

Executive Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Policy and Resources, which sought approval of funding for an Invest to Save proposal.


RECOMMENDED: That Council approve the inclusion of £4.7m scheme within the Capital Programme, to be funded as set out in the report.


          Executive Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Policy and Resources, which sought approval for an Invest to Save proposal and funding to cover the costs of an LED Conversion Programme.


          RESOLVED: That the inclusion of £4.7m scheme within the Capital Programme, to be funded as set out in the report, be approved.

Meeting: 26/03/2015 - Executive Board (Item 158)

158 Invest to save proposal - Street Lighting pdf icon PDF 63 KB


The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Policy and Resources, on the findings of a Street Lighting Asset review and to seek approval of funding for an Invest to Save proposal.


The Board was advised that Halton currently had 19,000 street lights which operated with traditional high sodium lanterns. These need replacing after 4-5 years which incurred additional costs to the highways budget. It was reported that approximately 2000 lanterns had already been switched to LED’s (light emitting diode) units, mainly in residential areas. The key benefits were noted as a reduction in energy costs, increased reliability and longevity and enabling the Council to meet its commitments on sustainable practices and reducing carbon emissions.


The report set out an analysis and assessment of three options for conversion of the Borough’s street lighting to LED units, as follows:


·                  A bulk change of residential lights only;

·                  A bulk change of main roads and through routes only; and

·                  A bulk change of both residential and main roads and through routes.

Members noted that a risk assessment had been undertaken, as detailed in the report. A number of methods of funding the upfront investment costs had also been considered.




1)    a programme of work to replace the current conventional street lighting with energy saving Light Emitting Diode (LED) Units be approved;


2)    Council be recommended to include this £4.7m scheme within the 2015/16 Capital Programme, to be funded as outlined in the report;


3)    the Strategic Director, Policy and Resources in consultation with the Operational Director, Finance, be authorised to determine the most financial advantageous method of financing the Conversion Programme; and


4)    subject to resolution 3, the Strategic Director, Policy and Resources, in consultation with the Operational Director, Finance, and the relevant Portfolio holders, be authorised to seek prudential borrowing of up to £4.7m to cover the costs of the LED Conversion Programme.