Issue - meetings

Growing Economic Prosperity in Halton Update

Meeting: 16/11/2015 - Employment, Learning and Skills, and Community Policy and Performance Board (Item 25)

25 Growing Economic Prosperity in Halton Update pdf icon PDF 59 KB

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Members received a report from the Strategic Director, People and Economy, that updated Members on business support activities that had been undertaken to support the growth of Halton’s economy. 


The Board was reminded that a business support model or ‘business attractiveness model’ for Halton was presented to this PPB in March 2015.  It was felt appropriate therefore to provide an update on the activities that the Council had been developing since March. 


In summary, the purpose of the model was to shape and inform the level and type of support that was provided to businesses in Halton.  It was noted that although the model applied a basic principle that priority should be given to those businesses that would make the greatest contribution to growing and sustaining Halton’s economy, the Council aimed to provide a comprehensive business support service known as a ‘soft landing and retention service’ to all the Borough’s existing businesses, as well as new businesses looking to relocate to the area.


Further information on the business support model was contained in the report and Members were referred to Appendix 1, which illustrated the developments with regards to the number of jobs being created in the Borough and the proportion of private sector jobs being created.


In response to Members questions it was noted that the potential for income generation within the Economy, Enterprise and Property Division within the Council was currently being looked at as this was identified as a departmental budget saving in 2016-17.


The Chairman commented on the visit to The Heath Business Park that took place prior to the meeting.  The consensus was that it was a very useful exercise and provided a different outlook towards scrutiny for Members.  It was hoped that all Members would have the opportunity to participate in future topic visits that may be arranged.


RESOLVED:  That the Board notes the progress being made on business support activities in Halton.