Issue - meetings

Community Centres

Meeting: 21/03/2016 - Employment, Learning and Skills, and Community Policy and Performance Board (Item 43)

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The Board received a report of the Strategic Director, Community and Resources, on the Community Centres annual report for the operating period 2014-15.


By way of background Members were reminded that the Community Centres service consisted of five buildings: Castlefields, Ditton, Grangeway, Murdishaw and Upton.  The Centres delivered programmes of community activity, varying models of community cafes and service outlets, for example, a children’s centre, youth centre and day services.  The Centres provided a community hub, a central point at the heart of communities for residents to enjoy activities and receive services in their neighbourhoods.  It was noted they were based in the most severely deprived wards in the Borough and were well utilised.


Members were advised that the Community Centres were benchmarked through APSE (the Association of Public Service Excellence) against other Civic, Cultural and Community Venues owned and run by other local authorities. With regards to usage, this had increased steadily over the past three years, as discussed in the report, which provided data relating to numbers attending and financial information relating to operating costs.


The report provided profiles for each Community Centre and key performance indicators illustrating their performance over a three year period; and also presented the services offered and future challenges for the Centres. Members considered opportunities for income generation and the possible combination of facilities on offer to maximise attendance at all Centres.


RESOLVED:  That the report and comments made be noted.