42 Business Planning 2016-19 PDF 509 KB
The Board received a report from the Strategic Director, People and Economy, which presented the final draft of the Employment, Learning and Skills elements of the Council’s Single Business Plan, for Members approval.
Members were advised that since 2010 each Directorate had been required to produce a medium term Business Plan that covered a three year period. It was confirmed that a Single Business Plan would now be constructed for the authority as a whole and this would focus on the key medium term issues rather than providing extensive narrative of every area of work of the Local Authority.
It was noted that to ensure that the Authority would produce a Business Plan that enabled them to meet the priorities identified within the Corporate Plan, the information from each Directorate would be set out under the Council’s priority headings as set out in the report.
Members were advised that objectives and performance measures identified within the Single Business Plan would continue to form the basis of Directorate and PPB priority based quarterly monitoring reports, along with any key developments or emerging issues identified within the relevant reporting quarter
Members commented as follows:
· The day to day operations of Halton’s Leisure Centres would return in-house from 1 April 2016;
· The downward trend in the number of Adult Learning enrolments; and
· The introduction of a new KPI 3 measuring the use of outdoor space for exercise.
RESOLVED: That the Board
1) notes the content of the report; and
2) approves the Employment, Learning and Skills elements (at Appendix 1) and the Community and Environment Services elements (at Appendix 2) of the Council’s Single Business Plan.