Issue - meetings

Independent Living Skills

Meeting: 13/06/2016 - Children Young People and Families Policy and Performance Board (Item 9)

9 Independent Living Skills pdf icon PDF 358 KB


The Board received a summary of the review of provision for teaching and enhancing Independent Living Skills for Young People with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities in Halton.  The review was recommended following the last update report in January 2016.


Members were advised that visits were arranged between 2013-2015 to each special school and two primary resource bases; and to Riverside College.  It was reported that the settings were found to be providing opportunities and experiences to help shape the essential independent living skills required to support young people towards Independent Living.   Furthermore, Members were advised that Ofsted had judged Halton’s special schools as good or outstanding in their provision.  The report went on to provide examples of feedback received from Ofsted following their visits.


It was noted that Halton had a higher proportion of young people in employment and training compared to the national figures of 6%.  Members requested further details of the types of skills the young people were learning and also the types of skills that were in demand by employers.  It was suggested that this could be reported at a future Board meeting.


With regards to the further review of the topic Preparation for Adulthood by the sub group, it was the consensus of the Board that this should now be wound up and a report prepared for the next Board meeting.


The Chair also requested that Members give some thought to future topic groups as this would be discussed at the next meeting.


RESOLVED:  That the Board


1)    notes the scrutiny of Independent Living Skills undertaken since 2013; and


2)    supports continued scrutiny through the Preparation for Adulthood SEND Strategic Group.