16 Safer PPB Bi-monthly Topic Group Visits PDF 215 KB
The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Community and Resources which outlined a list of areas that had been identified for scrutiny. It was proposed to visit a number of areas to improve awareness and provide a direct on-site means of scrutiny with the potential to offer feedback to the various agencies. The topic areas identified were:-
· Police Custody Suite;
· Stay Safe;
· Police Dog Operations;
· Creamfields;
· Match Day Operations – Select Security Stadium; and
· Night Time Economy.
It was proposed that these visits would be Officer-lead and would be for one to two hours in duration. Details on arrangements for the visits were outlined to Members. A summary report on observations would be presented to a future meeting of the Board.
The Board discussed their recent visit to the Creamfields event and residents’ complaints regarding noise from the event. In response the Chair of the Regulatory Committee advised that a report detailing feedback from all agencies involved in the event would be considered at the November meeting of the Committee and Members of the Board were invited to attend.
RESOLVED: That the Board agree to participate in site visits as detailed in the report.