35 Surface Treatment Term Maintenance Contract PDF 206 KB
The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Enterprise,
Community and Resources, on a procurement process for the provision of a
Surface Treatment Term Maintenance Contract.
The Board was advised that the existing contract for surface treatment
of the highway would end on 31 March 2017. It was necessary to make arrangements
to secure a new term maintenance contract during the current financial year, to
commence on 1 April 2017. It was reported that the value for a five year
contract would be in the region of £3m, and under procurement rules, the contract
would be tendered.
The Board was advised that tender submissions would be evaluated on a ratio of price
(30%) and quality (70%), the outcome being reported to Executive Board at a
future meeting.
RESOLVED: That it be noted that a procurement process will be
entered into via The Chest, with the purpose of securing a Surface Treatment
Term Maintenance Contract for carriageway and footway surface dressing and
micro asphalt across the Borough.