Issue - meetings

Update on Economic Growth Activity

Meeting: 20/02/2017 - Employment, Learning and Skills, and Community Policy and Performance Board (Item 35)

35 Update on Economic Growth Activity pdf icon PDF 388 KB


The Board received a report from the Strategic Director, Enterprise, Community and Resources, that provided an update on work being undertaken by the Council’s Business Improvement and Growth Team to support economic growth and prosperity in Halton.


Members were provided with background information in respect of the recruitment of a Masters student from the University of Chester, employed to undertake a Halton Business Survey.  The scope of the survey was explained in the report and although the results from the survey were mixed, it was noted that the survey was extremely useful in presenting some pointers for how Halton’s support to businesses could be further enhanced. 


Members were advised that those recommendations and areas for improvement had been taken forward.  More recent developments were outlined in the interventions and activities relating to the following, which were discussed in the report:


·       This is Halton Living Brochure;

·       Liverpool City Region Inward Investment Team Tour;

·       Business Growth Hub;

·       Evolutive Data Management System; and

·       Local Economic Assessment.


It was noted that a report of the Local Economic Assessment would be presented to the Board at a future meeting.


RESOLVED: That Members note progress being made on activities aimed at supporting economic growth in the Borough.