Issue - meetings

Merseylink Employment and Skills Performance Update

Meeting: 20/02/2017 - Employment, Learning and Skills, and Community Policy and Performance Board (Item 31)

31 Merseylink Employment and Skills Performance Update pdf icon PDF 223 KB


The Board received a presentation on the progress made to date against the Employment and Skills Key Performance Indicators associated with the new Mersey Gateway crossing.  The Board received Merseylink’s Employment and Skills Co-ordinator, Neil Wilcock; Alison Bowan, Employment, Learning and Skills Division HBC; and Jill Doyle, Merseylink CCJV.


As Members were aware Merseylink was selected as the consortia to construct the new Mersey Gateway crossing.  Merseylink submitted their Employment and Skills Delivery Plan which included a range of proposed key performance indicators (KPI’s); these were discussed in detail in the report.


As part of the procurement process, Merseylink consulted at length with Halton Employment Partnership (HEP) on employment and skills issues.  It was noted that the intelligence gathered from this consultation was used to inform their Employment Skills and Delivery Plan.


Following this Merseylink established an Employment and Skills Governance Board (ESGB).  This was Chaired by Merseylink’s Project Director and included representation from the Merseylink Consortia, the Halton Employment Partnership and the Mersey Gateway Crossings Board Ltd.  At the ESGB meetings updates were received on progress against the Employment and Skills KPI’s.   Mr Wilcock was appointed as the Employment and Skills Co-ordinator to support the implementation of the Delivery Plan and act as the interface between HEP and the Merseylink Consortia.  


The presentation was received by Members and the following points of clarification and comments were made:


·       There was a wide range of apprenticeships offered at NVQ2 Level, such as steel fixers; administration; accountancy; quantity surveying; general construction; joinery; scaffolding; earthworks and IT;


·       Out of 28 apprentices 10 had been employed through Merseylink to other contractors and 14 were still working at Merseylink;


·       The process of recruitment and training was explained to Members in order for the apprentice to gain employment;


·       The apprentices were awarded certificates at the end of the courses;


·       The Timebank projects were welcomed and praised by Members; and


·       It was reported that a £95m boost had been made to the economy of the North West region since the start of the construction of the bridge, the Chair requested to know how much of this amount applied to Halton – Mr Wilcock would find this out.


RESOLVED:  That the report be noted.