31 Community Safety Victim and Witness Support Service PDF 195 KB
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The Board received a presentation from the Anti-Social Behaviour Victim and Witness Service which was designed to deliver independent and confidential support to residents aged over 10 years who were experiencing nuisance and/or anti-social behaviour in Halton. The service was part of the work of the Safer Halton Partnership Community Safety Team.
The presentation outlined how the Service received referrals, carried out assessments and agreed and reviewed a Support Plan.
It was noted that since June 2008 the service had:
· received 622 referrals for support;
· provided advice to over 300 individuals;
· supported 30 individuals/families to secure more suitable accommodation;
· supported local policing units; and
· received recognition in 2009 in House of Commons for good practice in supporting victims and witnesses.
1. the presentation be circulated to all Members for information; and
2. options be explored for the Anti-Social Behaviour Victim and Witness Support Officer to attend Ward Surgery meetings, to raise awareness of the Service with Registered Social Landlords and to develop a Service referral form for use by Members’.