Issue - meetings

Cheshire Fire and Rescue Annual Report

Meeting: 13/06/2017 - Safer Policy and Performance Board (Item 6)

6 Cheshire Fire and Rescue Annual Report pdf icon PDF 215 KB


            The Board considered a copy of the Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service Annual report for Halton 2016-17, and received an update on the Integrated Risk Management Plan 2017-18 (IRMP).


            On behalf of Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service, Lynsey McVay attended the meeting and outlined the Service performance in Halton during the past year and compared the different type of incidents attended to previous year performance.


            The Board discussed the installation of sprinkler systems in new build properties and in existing high rise buildings. It was noted that the Fire Service had set aside a budget to install sprinkler systems in high rise buildings, however, only a small number of Housing Associations had chosen to proceed. Halton Housing Association had yet to stall a sprinkler system at Churchill Mansions.


            Members of the Board were invited to contact Ms McVay to arrange a visit to a fire station or to attend the Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service Performance meeting in July.


            RESOLVED: That


1.    the report be noted; and


2.    the Board thanked Lynsey McVay for her informative presentation.