10 Domiciliary Care/Care Homes – Quality: Update PDF 433 KB
Members received an update which highlighted key issues with respect to Domiciliary Care and Care Homes locally.
By way of background it was stated that one of Halton Borough Council’s priority was to ensure the provision of a range of good quality services to support adults requiring commissioned care in the Borough. The Care Act 2014 had put this on a statutory footing through a choice of diverse high quality services that promoted wellbeing.
As previously mentioned the care home market in Halton consisted of 26 registered care homes which provided 788 beds operated by 16 different providers. The capacity of these ranged from homes with 66 beds to smaller independent providers with 6 beds.
Members were advised that all care homes in Halton had now been rated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and the results of these were discussed in the report.
It was highlighted that the Council’s Quality Assurance Team gathered intelligence and information on providers via quality and contract performance monitoring. They also operated an early warning system and Members were referred to the table in paragraph 3.9, which presented the Team’s Care Home ratings for quarter 4 of 2016-17.
RESOLVED: That the report is noted.