Issue - meetings

Business Improvement and Growth Team Update on Work Priorities

Meeting: 26/06/2017 - Employment, Learning and Skills, and Community Policy and Performance Board (Item 7)

7 Business Improvement and Growth Team Update on Work Priorities pdf icon PDF 221 KB


The Board received a presentation informing them about the current performance and future work priorities of the Business Improvement and Growth Team.   The report reflected upon the changing nature of business support both nationally and across the Liverpool City Region (LCR).


The responsibilities of the Business Improvement and Growth Team were explained to Members.  It was noted that the delivery of business support across the wider LCR was in a period of transition.  It was timely therefore to consider the broader range of activities undertaken by the Team and to identify the key priorities of the Team going forward and ensure that they are focused upon those activities which would have the greatest impact upon the economic regeneration of Halton. 


Members wished to thank Wesley Rourke and Tim Leather and the Business Improvement and Growth Team for the work they do for the Council and the promotion of Halton as a business destination.  The Officers advised that they were continually trying to embed themselves even more within the business community as there were opportunities for business improvement that had not yet been realised.  Members were provided with examples of successful outcomes due to the involvement of the Team and examples of ongoing ones where the Team were currently working with them.


It was suggested by Members that the Business Improvement and Growth Team should have a bigger presence on the Council’s website, so it was easier to find and draw attention to with perhaps a link to a promotional video for the LCR Growth Hub in Halton.


RESOLVED:  That Members note the activities and performance of the Business Improvement and Growth Team, including the emerging delivery model which better reflects the priorities of the Council, seeking to align local delivery with emerging LCR business support delivery.