Issue - meetings

Community Centres

Meeting: 26/06/2017 - Employment, Learning and Skills, and Community Policy and Performance Board (Item 6)

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The Board received a report that presented them with information on the Council’s Community Centres for the operating periods 2015-16 and 2016-17.


It was reported that the Community Centres service provided for the management and delivery of services from five buildings: Castlefields; Ditton; Grangeway; Murdishaw and Upton.  The Centres’ delivered programmes of community activity, community cafes and service outlets (children’s centre, youth centre, day services).   It was commented that the Centres provided a community hub, a central point at the heart of the communities within which they were located for residents to enjoy.  It was noted that the facilities were well utilised. 


The report provided Members with a summary of performance since 2012-13: this included attendance data; net operating costs and income.  The Community Centre profiles outlined in paragraph 4 included key performance indicators which illustrated the Centres’ performance over a three year period.  Graphs were used to present some of the information and demonstrate the direction of travel of the performance.


In summary it was noted that overall usage of the five community centres had increased marginally by 2,154 visits with a slight increase in income.  However the net operating cost position for the service demonstrated the continuous improvement and overall efficiency of the service.  It was reported that although it would be challenging, the ambition for the service was to continue this trend towards a zero net operating cost. 


The report continued to explain the future plans for the centres with regards to marketing; increasing activity; website development and digital services.


Members agreed that the Community Centres were crucial to the communities that they served and perhaps the local communities could be canvassed to see what they wanted at their local Centre – to make suggestions, in an attempt to increase footfalls.  It was noted that each area would have different ideas according to the demographics, but the needs of the communities they served should be met if possible.


It was also noted that the net operating costs for the year 2016-17 had dropped dramatically due to efficiency savings made that year through a staff restructure, resulting in one off savings.


RESOLVED:  Members welcomed and noted the report.