17 Discretionary Support Scheme Topic Group – Update PDF 455 KB
The Board considered a report which provided an update on the work of the Discretionary Support Scheme Topic Group following their meeting on 19th July 2017. The Group had met to review the progress of the Discretionary Support Scheme and received an update regarding Discretionary Housing Payments and implementation of Universal Credit. A copy of the report considered by the Topic Group had been previously circulated to Members.
The Topic Group had further noted that work had been undertaken to establish the cost of implementing the Board’s previous proposal, to limit the number of liability orders which would be taken out in respect of the same council taxpayers. It was reported that the potential cost was estimated to be around £150,000 and therefore it was agreed not to implement the change at this time.
RESOLVED: That the Topic Group’s review of progress with the Discretionary Support Scheme, Discretionary Housing Payment Scheme and Universal Credit, as set out in the report be noted.