14 External Funding Update PDF 480 KB
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The Board considered an update report on the work of the Regeneration Non Town Centres (RNTC) Team in securing external funding resources into Halton. The report outlined:
· an update on the team’s priorities/key activities;
· emerging issues in external funding;
· funding statistics for 2012 to end March 2017;
· an update on the implications of Brexit on the ESIF programme; and
· a summary of a recent IDOX report on the External Funding function in local authorities.
Members noted the following key headlines which included details on:
· the demonstrable increase in competition for external funding streams, underlined by the success rate of bids submitted having reduced in 2016/17;
· evidence that local authorities with an external funding function/team were more successful in accessing funding;
· an increase in availability of funding for visitor economy and cultural activity, including heritage and the arts;
· the development of a Training Programme by the External Funding Team for Council staff and partners; and
· evidence that the level of demand for funding support was increasing.
Arising from the discussion the Board requested a further report which provided information on the expenditure of £9m European Funding previously awarded to the Council towards regeneration.
1. the report be noted; and
2. the continued approach to securing external funds be endorsed.