21 Community Development Service - 2016/17 Annual Report PDF 277 KB
The Board received a report from the Strategic Director Enterprise, Community and Resources, informing of the operational delivery for the Community Development Service for the period 1 April 2016 to 31 March 2017.
The report advised that community development activity helped support the creation, development and sustainability of independent local community groups. Officers had both a strategic and neighbourhood role in co-ordinating support to respond to community concerns and aspirations and creating cohesive neighbourhoods. The report discussed the work of the Community Development Service which worked alongside community groups to engage and support them to develop their skills and knowledge to promote community action. Examples of projects and groups that the team were working with across the Borough were provided in the report.
Members were also provided with the service’s performance for 2016-17 and it was noted that the total amount of funding received from external and internal sources was £119,549.00.
The report continued to discuss the management of the Area Forum Projects applications and delivery. The tables in paragraphs 7.3 and 7.4 provided information on the category of the projects completed and the funding allocated.
Councillor Wallace thanked the Team for their support in her Ward, Riverside.
RESOLVED: That the report be received.