28 Emergency Planning PDF 264 KB
The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Enterprise, Community and Resources, which provided an update on the work undertaken by the Emergency Planning team during the last year.
Members received a presentation which highlighted the Teams key duties and responsibilities, statutory duties, the Civil Contingencies Act 2004, Control of Major Accident Hazard Regulations (COMAH) 2015, key plans in place to ensure resilience within Halton, exercises that take place at COMAH sites in the borough, implications for the Council of the Major Accident Hazard Pipeline (MAHP) Regulations 1996, details of Emergency Centres and work with partners.
addition, it was noted that the team had been working towards developing
SharePoint and an Emergency Planning Portal, via the intranet, with the aim to
ensure emergency planning documents, Business Continuity Plans and Training
Programmes could be easily accessed by Emergency Responders. The team was also working with Emergency
Planning colleagues within the Liverpool City Region and Registered State
Landlords, regarding Business Continuity resilience planning.
RESOLVED: That the report be noted.