146 Sky Lantern and Helium Balloon Releases PDF 216 KB
The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Enterprise,
Community and Resources, which sought approval to prohibit the release of sky
lanterns and helium balloons from Council owned land.
The report outlined the risks
which had been identified in respect of the release of sky lanterns and helium
balloons into the open air and the options available to control their use
within the Borough. It was proposed that in order to mitigate the risks
associated with the use of sky lanterns and helium balloons, a Policy be
adopted to prohibit the release of both from Council owned land.
It was noted
that the Policy would only apply to Council owned land and would not prohibit
the release from private land. The Environment and Urban Renewal Policy and
Performance Board had considered the matter at its meeting on 28 February 2018,
and recommended a communications campaign to raise awareness of the safety
risks and environmental impacts so as to discourage the use of such events on
private land.
RESOLVED: That the Board approve a Policy which prohibits the
release of sky lanterns and helium balloons on Council owned land.