9 NHS Halton CCG Consultation & Engagement PDF 303 KB
The Board received a report from the Strategic Director – People, presented by Dr Andrew Davies, which informed them of the NHS Halton CCG engagement and consultation requests from the following three GP practices:
1) Appleton Village Surgery: requesting consideration of a new build;
2) Beeches Medical Centre: requesting being relocated to another site;
3) Upton Rocks Practice: proposing the closure of Hale Village branch site.
The report provided details of the reasons for the requests made by the GP practices which were discussed in detail by the Board. It was noted that the website links to the consultations would be shared with the Board, as would the outcomes of the consultations when they were over.
1) A robust programme of consultation and engagement is undertaken with all relevant stakeholders;
2) Responses to the concerns regarding the Appleton Village new build be noted;
3) A 12 week consultation is undertaken with Beeches Medical Centre patients to understand any patient concerns and aid the decision making process regarding the proposed location; and
4) A 12 week consultation is undertaken with Upton Rocks Hale Village patients to understand any patient concerns and aid the decision making process regarding the proposed closure of Hale Village branch site.