Issue - meetings

Manchester Port Health Authority

Meeting: 11/09/2018 - Safer Policy and Performance Board (Item 16)

16 Manchester Port Health Authority pdf icon PDF 214 KB


            On behalf of Manchester Port Health Authority (MPHA), Andrea Smith, Steve Seddon and Councillor Morley attended the meeting and provided the Board with an overview of the role of the Authority. MPHA was the local authority for the Manchester Ship Canal and River Weaver including the ports of Eastham, Ellesmere, Manisty, Standlow, Ince, Weston, Runcorn, Partington, Irlam and Salford. The Authority was responsible for a wide range of public health controls including:


·         Ship sanitation inspections and certificates;

·         Food standards, food safety and water quality (ships and land);

·         Infectious disease control;

·         Environmental protection;

·         Pest control;

·         Smoke free legislation;

·         Emergency planning; and

·         Import controls for high risk products of non-animal origin.


            On behalf of the Board, the Chair thanked the MPHA for their informative presentation and invited those Board Members who wished to attend a Boarding Inspection of shipping at Runcorn Docks to contact him and he would arrange this with the Authority.


RESOLVED: That the presentation be noted.