19 Adult Social Care Performance 2017/18 PDF 86 KB
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The Board received a report that presented information on the Adult Social Care performance data for 2017-18.
It was reported that the Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework measures were developed by the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC), the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS), and the Local Government Association (LGA).
It was noted that the Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework (ASCOF) was used both locally and nationally to set priorities for care and support, measure progress and strengthen transparency and accountability. The key roles of the ASCOF were outlined in the report and Members were referred to the ASCOF measures in Appendix 1.
It was reported that the 2017-18 data had yet to be published, however benchmarking data was collated on a quarterly basis and utilised by NWADASS sector lead improvement board to benchmark North West authorities, Appendix 3 showed the Q4 comparison for Halton for 2017-18. Appendix 2 provided the estimated benchmark information for 2017-18 and how Halton performed in comparison with other North West Authorities.
RESOLVED: That the Board notes the report and appendices.