11 Community Development Service Annual Report for 2017/18 PDF 123 KB
The Board received a report informing them of the operational delivery for the Community Development (CD) Service for the period 1 April 2017 to 31 March 2018.
It was reported that Community Development activity helped support the creation, development and sustainability of independent local community groups. This generated the capacity for effective and inclusive community engagement with Council departments and services, thus enabling the delivery of a wide range of community initiatives to help tackle strategic objectives and community needs. It was noted that Officers had a strategic and neighbourhood role in co-ordinating support to respond to community concerns and aspirations and create cohesive neighbourhoods which were participative and vibrant.
The report outlined the role of the Community Development and Project Officers’ work in the community and referred to the performance framework in place for community development activity. This was shown in the table in paragraph 4.3 for 2017-18 and showed a comparison to the previous year. Members were pleased to note that for every £1 it costs to provide the CD service a further £1.19 was levered into the Borough to support community groups and initiatives.
The report then provided some examples of projects and groups that CD were working with and alongside across the Borough, for each of the 7 Area Forums. Members noted the starter and development grants awarded and the summary of spend for each Area Forum.
RESOLVED: That the Annual Report be received and comments made noted.