Issue - meetings

Scrutiny Topic Group – Care Homes – Future Sustainability

Meeting: 26/02/2019 - Health Policy and Performance Board (Item 38)

38 Scrutiny Topic Group – Care Homes – Future Sustainability pdf icon PDF 76 KB

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The Board was presented with the final Scrutiny Topic Group report on Care Homes – Future Sustainability, and its accompanying appendices.


It was noted that the Scrutiny Topic Group identified seven recommendations as part of the review which were detailed throughout the main report, as well as at the end of the report in a table for easy reference (appendix 4).


Members agreed that the topic group had proved to be enlightening and enjoyable to be a part of.  On behalf of the Board the Chair thanked the staff involved with the Topic Group and the Members of the Board for their input.    She also paid recognition to those Elected Members who visited care homes on a regular basis as part of their constituency work.


It was also confirmed that as part of Member involvement in the current business planning process, a range of topic areas had been identified for consideration for scrutiny during the municipal year 2019-20.  The priorities for Adult Social Care for 2019-20 were agreed by Members in December 2018; these were confirmed as:


·       Reablement pathway, including review of recruitment issues in community services;

·       Safeguarding Unit;

·       Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS); and

·       Finance.


The Board discussed these priorities and agreed that the topic for the Scrutiny Review for 2019-20 would be Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS).


RESOLVED:  That the Board agrees that


1)    the report be approved; and

2)    the topic for the Scrutiny Review for 2019-20 be Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS).