29 Update Scrutiny Topic Group - Better Jobs PDF 83 KB
The Board received an update on the work of the ‘Better Jobs’ Scrutiny Topic Group. This was established as the Scrutiny Topic for the Municipal Year 2018-19 and considered how local residents could be encouraged to access the better paid jobs being created in the Borough.
It was reported that the Topic Group used aspects of the Six Sigma methodology to manage the process. This approach was known as DMAIC; Define, Measure; Analyse; Design; Improve; Control.
Members were updated with the progress the Group had made to date as described in the report. The dichotomy presented was explained with regards to those jobs in the Borough described by employers as ‘difficult to fill’ and the purpose of the topic group; leading to the conclusion that other questions should be looked at.
It was reported that at the last topic group meeting, Members made a number of points regarding behaviour change; and the feasibility of identifying determinants in relation to data held by Public Health professionals and whether ‘nurture or nature’ played a role in determining a person’s future job prospects and how influences in early life would have a bearing on this.
The next steps of the Topic Group were outlined and Members were referred to further research carried out in different areas, as shown via the website links provided. Members also noted the suggestion for a future topic group to focus on whether the Borough’s residents who held higher level qualifications and skills were accessing the Borough’s job opportunities being created.
The Board discussed:
· the demise of the careers advise service Connexions and the expectation that schools should provide this service (which some did). The importance of parents’ advice at this stage of a child’s life was noted;
· the suggestion that the Board invites students from local schools and colleges to a future meeting, so that they could present their experiences of careers guidance;
· the suggestion that the careers advice is provided from the age of 13 instead of 14; this would be referred to the relevant officer for a response; and
· the Gatsby Career Benchmarks.
Officers referred to the upcoming Halton Skills Show which would take place on 20 March 2019 in the Heath Business Park; further details would be sent to the Board, together with information on the LCR Schools Hub Pilot.
The Chair reminded the Board that the next meeting of the Scrutiny Topic Group would be on Monday 25 February 2019.
RESOLVED: That Members acknowledge the work undertaken to date and proposed next steps.