Issue - meetings

Appointment to Boards, Committees, Appeals Panel and Working Party

Meeting: 16/05/2007 - Executive Board (Item 114)

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            The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director – Corporate and Policy regarding appointments to the Council’s Boards, Committees, Appeals Panel and Working Party for the forthcoming Municipal Year. A list of Committee Memberships put forward by each of the political groups was tabled for information.


            RESOLVED: That Council be recommended to agree the following appointments to the Council’s Boards, Committees, Appeals Panel and Working Party for the 2007/2008 Municipal Year:


Executive Board (10)


Executive Sub (3)

3MG Executive Sub-Board (3)


Mersey Gateway Executive Board (3)


Corporate Services Policy and Performance Board (11)

Councillors Gilligan (Chairman), Lowe (Vice Chair), Bradshaw, Bryant, Dennett, Edge, C. Inch, Loftus, Nolan, Norddahl and Wainwright.


Healthy Halton Policy and Performance Board (11)

Councillors E. Cargill (Chairman), Loftus  (Vice Chair), Gilligan, Higginson, Horabin, C. Inch, Lloyd-Jones, J. Lowe, Marlow, Swift and Wallace.


Urban Renewal Policy and Performance Board (11)

Councillors Hignett (Chairman), Morley (Vice Chair),  P. Blackmore, Bradshaw, E. Cargill, Leadbetter, Murray, Nolan, Rowe, Sly and Thompson.


Employment, Learning and Skills Policy and Performance Board (11)

Councillors Jones (Chairman), Fraser (Vice Chair), P. Blackmore, Edge, Findon, Howard, Lewis, Parker, Rowe, Stockton and Worrall.


Children and Young People Policy and Performance Board (11)

Councillors Dennett (Chairman), Horabin (Vice Chairman), Drakeley, Fraser, Gilligan, Higginson, D. Inch, J. Lowe, Parker, M. Ratcliffe and Stockton.


Safer Halton Policy and Performance Board (11)

Councillors Osborne (Chairman), Stockton (Vice Chair), Edge, Lloyd-Jones, Morley, Murray, E. Ratcliffe, M. Ratcliffe, Redhead, Swift and Thompson.


Development Control Committee (11)

Councillors Nolan (Chairman), Thompson (Vice Chairman), P. Blackmore, S. Blackmore, Hignett, Leadbetter, Morley, Osborne, Polhill, Rowan and Sly.


Business Efficiency Board (11)

Councillors Leadbetter (Chairman), Lloyd-Jones (Vice Chair), Cross, Findon, Jones, A. Lowe, Norddahl, Osborne, Philbin, Sly and Worrall.


Standards Committee (8)

Mr. W. Badrock (Chairman), Parish Councillor Crawford, Mr A. Luxton, and Councillors, Lewis, Parker, L. Redhead, Swain and Wharton.


Appeals Panel (20)

Councillors Wainwright (Chairman), Parker (Vice Chairman), Bradshaw, E. Cargill, Dennett, Fraser, Gerrard, Horabin, Howard, C. Inch, Jones, Loftus, J. Lowe, Marlow, M. Ratcliffe, Redhead, Rowan, Swift, Wallace and Worrall.


Regulatory Committee (11)

Councillors Philbin (Chairman), Wallace (Vice-Chairman), B. Bryant, Cross, Drakeley, Howard, D. Inch, A. Lowe, Nelson, E. Ratcliffe and Wainwright.


Local Development Framework Working Party (15)

Councillors Polhill (Chairman), Harris, Hignett, M. Hodgkinson, C. Inch, McDermott, McInerney, Murray, Nolan, Parker, Redhead, Rowan, Sly, Wainwright and Wright.


Scrutiny Co-Ordinator

Councillor S. Blackmore

Meeting: 17/05/2006 - Executive Board (Item 3)

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RESOLVED: That the Council be recommended that the Constitution of Membership of the various Boards, Committees, Appeals Panel and Working Party be as set out in the Appendix to these Minutes.