4 Transforming Cancer Care PDF 56 KB
The Board received a report and accompanying presentation from the Chief Executive, Knowsley CCG, on the current state of the programme to redesign the provision of non-surgical oncology across the Eastern Sector, Mid Mersey, to be more efficient and effective within a specialist hub, with the potential for future radiotherapy development.
It was noted that presently the programme was in the pre-consultation engagement phase, and that formal consultation would start in July 2019 for 3 months.
The following was discussed / noted in response to Members’ queries:
· Early stage cancer screening was outside the scope of this project. However, it was commented that screening rates for cervical, breast, bowel and lung cancer had improved;
· Public Health promotions were taking place to encourage cancer screening so it was hoped that these rates would be increased in the future;
· An obstacle to screening was a fear of diagnosis;
· Support groups were encouraging people to go for screening when invited, even if they had no symptoms;
· The pre-consultation exercise was being completed to identify areas to be included in the formal public consultation; such as equality and diversity issues and travel / transport issues;
· A space was being identified for a radiotherapy machine in the area – so a review was taking place on this. Nationally, reviews were constantly being carried out to determine the best locations for them.
RESOLVED: That the Board
1) recognises the problems being experienced in the current provision of non-surgical oncology services and the requirement to make changes to ensure patients receive appropriate care in a timely manner; and
2) notes the current position of the programme and the intention to undertake public consultation from July to September 2019.