Issue - meetings

Respite Provision

Meeting: 18/06/2019 - Health Policy and Performance Board (Item 8)

8 Respite Provision pdf icon PDF 87 KB


The Board received a report from the Strategic Director, People, on respite provision, with a particular focus on Shared Care Vouchers.


The report advised Members of a recent incident that had occurred involving a carer who had a Shared Care Voucher for 28 days residential respite and the difficulties she encountered when trying to use it. 


The report set out to explain the Shared Care Voucher process and investigated whether issues such as these were a common occurrence.  The aim was to help to identify where improvements could be made going forward in order to help avoid carers experiencing issues such as the one described in the report.


Following the presentation of the item Members commented:


·       That they agreed there were flaws in the system if people were being let down last minute, as in the example presented;

·       It was very important that carers had respite from their caring responsibilities for many reasons;

·       Families taking respite needed to meet the person going in their place, so they could feel confident leaving them in the care of that person; and

·       The Council should look to offer respite care in their care homes.


RESOLVED:  That the Board notes the possible improvements highlighted at 3.16 and 3.18.