The Board received a presentation from the Divisional Manager – Employment, Learning and Skills, on behalf of the Liverpool City Region (LCR) Apprenticeship Hub Skills Strategy Manager, which gave an overview on progress to date against the City Region’s Apprenticeship Growth Plan 2018 – 2020 and a review of the ESF Employees Support in Skills contract, awarded by the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA).
It was noted that the LCR’s Apprenticeship Hub had operated since 2011 and was a good example of close collaborative and partnership work that existed within the City Region. The Team was employed by HBC on behalf of the LCR and was located in Kingsway Learning Centre, but operated across the City Region.
The presentation provided information on what the Apprenticeship Hub was, as well as information on:
· The European Social Fund (ESF) Employees Support in Skills (ESIS) Contract and deliverables;
· Key successes of the Hub;
· Events and activities happening locally in Halton;
· The LCR Apprenticeship Ambassador Network;
· The LCR Skills show 2018;
· The priorities of the Apprenticeship Growth Plan 2018-2020;
· Progress on the Apprenticeship Growth Plan 2018-2020 so far; and
· The next steps for the Apprenticeship Hub.
Members were directed to the LCR main website which contained further information on the Apprenticeship Growth Plan 2018-2020. Members commented it was useful to have an outside and impartial body visiting the schools to explain apprenticeships. It was also noted that Halton had hosted the Apprenticeship Hub for a number of years on behalf of the LCR, despite being the smallest local authority; Members praised the work and skills of officers in respect to this.
RESOLVED: That the Board notes the positive work being undertaken by the Apprenticeship Hub.