6 Transforming Domiciliary Care (TDC) Programme PDF 87 KB
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The Board received a report from the Strategic Director – People, which gave an update on the progress of the Transforming Domiciliary Care Programme and information on Premier Care – Lead Provider for commissioned domiciliary care in the Borough.
It was reported that Halton Borough Council had been working with a range of partners to develop how domiciliary care was delivered in the Borough; known as the Transforming Domiciliary Care Programme. The term Domiciliary Care is used to describe the help some adults need to live as well as possible when coping with an illness or disability they may have.
Members were presented with information about the Programme with the help of a presentation given by Mr Regan on behalf of Premier Care. The report also discussed the Programme’s capacity and demand, service user assessment and management and workforce development.
Board Members’ raised concerns around retention of staff, workforce development, administering medication and the proposed apprenticeship scheme. In response the Board was advised that staff turnover at Premier Care was similar to the national average in this area of employment. With regard to a proposed apprenticeship scheme, Mr Regan confirmed that if the apprentice was providing domiciliary care then the rate of pay would be the same as other employees in a similar role. In response to the concerns around administering medication, Premier Care was looking at an electronic system that would provide an improved and more robust medication administering system.
RESOLVED: That the report be noted and Premier Care attend a future Board meeting to provide an update on apprenticeships and the medication administering system.