Issue - meetings

Urgent Care Centres Update

Meeting: 17/09/2019 - Health Policy and Performance Board (Item 7)

7 Urgent Treatment Centres Update pdf icon PDF 54 KB


The Board received a presentation from Dr Andrew Davies, Clinical Chief Officer, NHS Halton CCG, on the outcome of the Urgent Treatment Centre (UTC) procurement.


Members were advised on the future UTC model and received information on how it would improve the current Urgent Care Centres by providing:


·         access to appropriately skilled practitioner to meet patient needs and diagnostics where required;

·         an improved model of care encompassing health and social care;

·         clear outcomes demonstrating system working; and

·         improved patient experience.


            The UTC contract open tender process would commence during October and was expected to be completed by December 2019. The new UTC contract would be effective from April 2020. A public consultation exercise would take place throughout the process.


            A member requested that the Board be kept up to date on any proposed service improvements at the UTC. In addition, if there were plans for more GP hours at the UTC, these should be clearly signposted.


RESOLVED:  That the Board note the report and accompanying presentation.