8 NHS Halton & NHS Warrington CCG Future Commissioning/Governance Arrangements PDF 58 KB
The Board received a presentation from Dr Andrew Davies, Clinical Chief Officer, NHS Halton CCG, on the future commissioning arrangements.
Members were advised that there was a national requirement for CCGs to reduce the already stretched running costs by 20% by 2010/21. In addition, the ambition of the NHS Long Term Plan placed great focus on the streamlining of commissioning and place based integration.
It was noted that over the last few months, the Halton and Warrington CCG Integrated Management Team had been working to identify actions to reduce running costs and had already exhausted all internal actions in terms of reducing spend. Taking into consideration the 20% reduction requirement for both NHS Halton CCG and NHS Warrington CCG, a formal options appraisal was being undertaken to consider what could be done to reduce costs, streamline commissioning and make best use of resources and expertise. The following three options had been considered by the CCGs and details of each were outlined to the Board:
· Do nothing;
· CCGs integrate with their respective Local Authorities; and
· Merger of the two CCGs.
It was noted that following an appraisal of the three options, which included a financial report, it had been decided to progress with the preferred option to merge the two CCGs. Members were provided with information on the latest feedback on the public consultation exercise that was taking place around the proposed merger, the engagement process with stakeholders and details on the next steps of the process.
The following was discussed/noted in response to Members queries:
Members also expressed concern that
although Dr Andrew Davies offered a number of guarantees he could not provide
absolute guarantees to the Local Authority around future funding or governance arrangements.
In response to Members’ concerns around the financial information that had been appraised, Dr Andrew Davies agreed to share the financial documents with the Board.
RESOLVED: That the Board notes the report and accompanying presentation.