10 Performance Management Reports, Quarter 1 2019/20 PDF 57 KB
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The Board received the Performance Management Reports for quarter 1 of 2019-20.
Members were advised that the report introduced, through the submission of a structured thematic performance report, the progress of key performance indicators, milestones and targets relating to Health in quarter 1 of 2019-20. This included a description of factors which were affecting the services.
The Board was requested to consider the progress and performance information and raise any questions or points for clarification; and highlight any areas of interest or concern for reporting at future meetings of the Board.
Arising from the discussion, it was reported that Halton had recently contributed to a successful bid through the Cheshire and Mersey Cancer Prevention Group, a subgroup of the Cancer Alliance and had been awarded over £1.2million to implement activities to improve uptake of cancer screening programmes. The Board requested additional information on how the Group would roll out this programme.
RESOLVED: That the Performance Management Reports for quarter 1 be received.