15 Community Development Service Annual Report for 2018/19 PDF 124 KB
The Board received a report from the Strategic Director – Enterprise, Community and Resources, informing them of the operational delivery for the Community Development Service for the period 1 April 2018 to 31 March 2019.
It was noted that the Community Development Service helped support local community groups or organisations with their formation and facilitated the delivery of community led initiatives and activities. The team also had a combined role in managing Area Forum projects delivery, enabling Elected Members to respond to community concerns and aspirations. This combined role generated effective community engagement with Council departments, services and partner organisations and contributed to building resilience in Halton’s communities.
The report set out how the Community Development Team’s Officers worked within their respective neighbourhoods and described the relationships fostered over the years. It was noted that the amount of funding from external sources in the year 2018/19 had increased considerably from the year before, this was welcomed by Members. Examples were also provided of projects and groups that the Community Development Team were working in partnership with across the Borough. Detailed information was provided on projects funded through the Local Area Forums, which included the costs and areas (with reference to the Council’s priorities) where the spend had been made for each.
The consensus of the Board was that the work, knowledge and guidance provided by the Community Development Team was invaluable to Members and assisted in the harnessing of community spirit within their respective Wards.
RESOLVED: That the report and comments made be noted.