17 Economic Progress and Economic Profile PDF 71 KB
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The Board received a report from the Strategic Director, Enterprise, Community and Resources, which presented Halton’s current economic profile and provided an update to Members on developments in the economy in recent years.
Members were referred to the current economic profile at Appendix 1 and Officers presented an in-depth assessment based upon the information provided as an evidence base for ‘Halton 2030’ which was a vision for how Halton’s economy would look in the future; set out the future challenges; and how the Borough might respond to these challenges.
In summary the update included: The Economic Overview; Enterprise and Jobs; The Resident Population; Skills; and Land, Infrastructure and Transport.
A query relating to economic inactivity and the definition of a ‘discouraged worker’ would be provided to Members following the meeting along with the presentation slides.
RESOLVED: The Board notes the update.