18 Scrutiny Topic Group Items 2019/20 PDF 55 KB
The Board received a report which requested them to propose the establishment of a topic group for Members during 2019/20.
It was noted that each year the PPB chose a scrutiny topic that had the potential to inform and/or change service delivery and may result in an amendment or improvement of a Council policy. Members discussed ideas for this year’s topic and provided several suggestions – the effects of Brexit on the Borough; the Local Industrial Strategy; and Traded Areas in the Borough.
The Board agreed that Traded Areas in the Borough would form the Scrutiny Topic for 2019/20, and that it would be open to all Members of the Board. In the first instance the date of the initial meeting and agenda would be forwarded to all Members of the Board.
RESOLVED: That the Board
1) agrees to the establishment of a scrutiny topic group named Traded Areas of the Borough; and
2) agrees that all Members of the Board were welcome to participate.